Actualités SFT

06-09/07/16 : EPFDC, Warsaw (Poland)

Du 06/07/2016 Au 09/07/2016
8th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference

    06-08/07/16 : ICMEPE-2016, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

    Du 06/07/2016 Au 08/07/2016
    International Conference on Modern Electrical Power Ensgineering

      05-08/07/16 : IMETI, Orlando (USA)

      Du 05/07/2016 Au 08/07/2016
      The 9th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation

        04-07/07/16 : 18th Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)

        Du 04/07/2016 Au 07/07/2016
        18th International Symposium on Applications of Laser techniques to Fluid Mechanics

          04-08/07/16 : QUIRT 2016, Gdansk (Poland)

          Du 04/07/2016 Au 08/07/2016
          13th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Conference

            30/06-3/07/16 : BIT, Gyeonggi-do (South Korea)

            Du 30/06/2016 Au 02/09/2016
            BIT's 6th Annual World Congress on Bioenergy

              29-30/06/16 : COFRET'16, Bucarest (Romania)

              Du 29/06/2016 Au 30/06/2016
              8ème édition du Colloque Francophone sur l'Energie - Environnement - Economie et Thermodynamoique

                19-23/06/16 : EUROTHERM 2016, Krakow (Poland)

                Du 19/06/2016 Au 23/06/2016
                7th European Thermal-Sciences Conference

                  19-23/06/16 : ECOS 2016, Portorŏz (Slovenia)

                  Du 19/06/2016 Au 23/06/2016
                  29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

                    19-24/06/16 : GPE 2016, Mont Tremblant (Canada)

                    Du 19/06/2016 Au 24/06/2016
                    5th International Congress on Green Process Engineering

                      19-23/06/16 : EngOpt, Iguassu Falls (Brazil)

                      Du 19/06/2016 Au 23/06/2016
                      5th International Conference on Engineering Optimization

                        19-23/06/16 : PetroPhase, Elsinore (Denmark)

                        Du 19/06/2016 Au 23/06/2016
                        PetroPhase 2016 - International Conference - Properties and chemistry of petroleum fluids and their effect

                          15-18/06/16 : SDEWES, Piran (Slovenia)

                          Du 15/06/2016 Au 18/06/2016
                          2nd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

                            14-15/06/16 : Energ. Systems, London (UK)

                            Energy Systems Conference: 21st Century Challenges

                              13-17/06/16 : SPEA 9,Strasbourg

                              Du 13/06/2016 Au 17/06/2016
                              9TH European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications

                                06-10/06/16 : RAD-16, Ortahisar (Turkey)

                                Du 06/06/2016 Au 10/06/2016
                                8th International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer

                                  02-04/06/16 : TE-RE-RD , Golden Sands (Romania)

                                  Du 02/06/2016 Au 04/06/2016
                                  5th International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development

                                    31/05-3/06/16 : ITHERM, Las Vegas (USA)

                                    Du 31/05/2016 Au 03/06/2016
                                    The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems

                                      31/5-6/6/16 : congrès SFT Toulouse

                                      Du 31/05/2016 Au 06/06/2016
                                      Congrès Français de thermique - Thermique & Multiphysique

                                        24-26/05/16 : tap 2016, Lyon

                                        Du 24/05/2016 Au 26/05/2016
                                        International Transport and Air Pollution Conference

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