Actualités SFT

13/10/2016 : Journée SFT, Paris

Du 13/10/2016 Au 14/10/2016
Groupe "Transferts en mimieux hétérogènes" : Effets de la mouillabilité sur les transferts avec changement de phase liquide/vapeur

    12-13/10/16 : IFPEN, Solaize

    Du 12/10/2016 Au 13/10/2016
    Les rencontres Scientifiques d'IFP Energies Nouvelles - Dynamics of Evolving Fluid Interfaces - DEFI

      11/10/2016 : Journée SFT, Paris

      Du 11/10/2016 Au 12/10/2016
      Groupe "Mode de Transfert-Rayonnement" - ACCORT, GDR MODMA : Simulation numérique des propriétés thermo-radiatives des matériaux

        10-11/10/16 : EUROTHERM 106, Paris

        Du 10/10/2016 Au 11/10/2016
        EUROTHERM Seminar No 106: Physical and Chemical Phenomena in Heat Exchangers and Multifunctional Reactors for Sustainable Technology

          26-30/09/16 : FISITA 2016, Busan (Korea)

          Du 26/09/2016 Au 30/09/2016
          FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress: Creative Thinking for Future Automobiles

            26-30/09/16: EUROTHERM 108, Santorini (Greece)

            Du 26/09/2016 Au 30/09/2016
            EUROTHERM Seminar No 108: Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer V

              17-18/09/16 : ICEPE 2016, Yichang (China)

              Du 17/09/2016 Au 18/09/2016
              The 4th International Conference on Energy and Power Engineering

                14-16/09/16 : AMTE, Bangkok (Thailand)

                Du 14/09/2016 Au 16/09/2016
                International Exhibition & Conference on Membrane Technology

                  14-16/09/16: CPOTE 2016, Gliwice (Poland)

                  Du 14/09/2016 Au 16/09/2016
                  4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering

                    12-16/09/16 : EFCMC11, Seville (Spain)

                    Du 12/09/2016 Au 16/09/2016
                    11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference

                      04-07/09/16 : ILASS, Brighton (UK)

                      Du 04/09/2016 Au 07/09/2016
                      27th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems

                        04-09/09/16 : SDEWES, Lisbon (Portugal)

                        Du 04/09/2016 Au 09/09/2016
                        11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

                          24-26/08/16 : HE 2016, Xi'an (China)

                          Du 24/08/2016 Au 26/08/2016
                          The 3rd Conference on Heat Energy

                            31/07-5/08/16 : Combustion, Seoul (Korea)

                            Du 31/07/2016 Au 31/08/2017
                            36th International Symposium on Combustion

                              30-31/07/16: Sooting Flame, Seoul (Korea)

                              Du 30/07/2016 Au 31/07/2016
                              3rd International Sooting Flame Workshop

                                20-22/07/16: Green Chem., Rome (Italy)

                                Du 20/07/2016 Au 22/07/2016
                                2nd International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering

                                  18-20/07/16 : Water Waste, Rome (Italy)

                                  Du 18/07/2016 Au 20/07/2016
                                  3rd International Congress Water, Waste and Energy Management

                                    11-13/07/16 : HEFAT, Costa del Sol (Spain)

                                    Du 11/07/2016 Au 13/07/2016
                                    12th International Conferenece on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

                                      11-15/07/16 : ICCFD, Istanbul (Turkey)

                                      Du 11/07/2016 Au 15/07/2016
                                      9th International Conference on Comptational Fluid Dynamics

                                        11-12/07/16 : Automobile, Cologne (Germany)

                                        Du 11/07/2016 Au 12/07/2016
                                        2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Automobile Engineering

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