Actualités SFT

28-30/10/15 : JITH2015, Marseille, France

Du 28/10/2015 Au 30/10/2015
17èmes Journées Internationales de Thermique Energie - Environnement

    05-06/10/15 : I3CT MENA, Tipasa (Algérie)

    Du 05/10/2015 Au 06/10/2015
    1st International Conference on Clean Cooling Technologies in the MENA Region

      29/09-2/10/15 : AITA 2015, Pisa (Italy)

      Du 29/09/2015 Au 02/10/2015
      Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications

        26/09-1/10/2015 : ECCE 10, Nice

        Du 27/09/2015 Au 01/10/2015
        EECE 10: 10th European Congress of Chemical engineering EPIC 5: 5th European Process Intensification Conference

          07-10/09/15 : 9th Minsk, Minsk (Biélorussie)

          Du 07/09/2015 Au 10/09/2015
          9th Minsk International Seminar: Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Power Sources

            07-11/09/15 : PSP Course, Göttingen (Gernany)

            Du 07/09/2015 Au 11/09/2015
            PSP Course: Application of Pressure Sensitive Paint - Theory and Practice

              06-09/09/15 : HYPOTHESIS, Toledo (Spain)

              Du 06/09/2015 Au 09/09/2015
              Hydrogen Power - Theoretical and Engineering Solutions - International Symposium

                31/08-3/09/15 : ICLASS, Tainan (Taiwan)

                Du 31/08/2015 Au 03/09/2015
                13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems

                  25-28/08/15 : ETC 2015, Delft (Netherlands)

                  15th European Turbulence Conference

                    16-22/08/15: ICR 2015, Yokohama (Japan)

                    Du 16/08/2015 Au 22/08/2015
                    The 24th International Congress of Refrigeration

                      20-23/07/15 : HEFAT2015, Kruger Nat. P. (South Africa)

                      Du 20/07/2015 Au 23/07/2015
                      11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

                        07-10/07/15 : THERMO, Budapest (Hungary)

                        Du 07/07/2015 Au 10/07/2015
                        19th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry

                          30/06-3/07/15 : ECOS 2015, Pau

                          Du 30/06/2015 Au 03/07/2015
                          28th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems

                            28/06-1/07/15 : EQUIFASE, Alicante (Spain)

                            Du 28/06/2015 Au 01/07/2015
                            X Iberoamerican Conference on Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties for Process Design

                              11-14/06/15 : ESAT, Athens (Greece)

                              Du 11/06/2015 Au 14/06/2015
                              28th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics

                                09-11/06/15 : LowPerm2015, Rueil-Malmaison

                                Du 09/06/2015 Au 11/06/2015
                                Les Rencontres Scientifiques d'IFP Energies Nouvelles - Low permeability media and nanoporous materials

                                  08-10/06/15 : CIFQ 2015, Sherbrooke (Canada)

                                  Du 08/06/2015 Au 10/06/2015
                                  XIIème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Quebécois

                                    08-12/06/15 : WREC XIV, Bucharest (Romania)

                                    Du 08/06/2015 Au 12/06/2015
                                    World Renewable Energy Congress 14 - Clean Energy for a Sustainable Development

                                      24-27/05/15 : HEFC, Dublin (Rep. Ireland)

                                      Du 07/06/2015 Au 12/06/2015
                                      Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning

                                        07-11/06/15 : MCS 2015, Rhodes (Greece)

                                        Ninth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium

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